Elevate Your Indoor and Outdoor Decor With the Cogesu Tabletop Fire Pit for $25

Save 49% on this unique and stylish concrete fire pit with a double-layer steel burn chamber design.


Looking to add a touch of elegance and warmth to your space? Look no further than the Cogesu Tabletop Fire Pit. Crafted mostly from concrete, this fire pit features a smooth and beautiful appearance that will enhance any indoor or outdoor decor. The base, made of marble, not only adds to its aesthetic appeal but also helps in dispersing the heat, protecting your table and surface from any potential damage.

Cogesu Tabletop Fire PitAmazon

This tabletop fire pit is designed with a double-layer steel burn chamber, ensuring durability and minimizing heat dissipation. The included cotton core sponge enhances the stability and safety of the flame, extending the burning time for up to 90-120 minutes. With its easy assembly and use, simply add 70% or 91% isopropyl alcohol as fuel to burn, ignite using an extended lighter or long match, and extinguish with the flat fire extinguisher included.

Get Yours Now at 49% Off

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