Experience a large 5-inch display with customizable brightness and automatic time set, now 13% off.
Start your day off right with the DreamSky Digital Alarm Clock. Its large LCD screen provides an easy-to-read display of the time, date, and temperature. You can adjust the brightness to your preference, with options ranging from bright to extremely low, ensuring a comfortable viewing experience at any time of day.
DreamSky Digital Alarm Clock with Battery BackupAmazon
This alarm clock is equipped with an automatic time set feature, syncing up with the current time, date, and temperature as soon as it is plugged in. Plus, with the included button cell backup battery, your settings will be saved and accurate even during a power outage. Setting your wake up time is a breeze, making sure you never miss the right time to start your day.
Get Your DreamSky Alarm Clock for $4.00Product Updated:
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