Make 5 quarts of popcorn in just minutes with this classic stovetop popcorn maker.
Movie theater popcorn is a treat that everyone loves, and now you can enjoy it anytime with the Great Northern Popcorn Machine. This stovetop popcorn pot features a unique spinner stirring mechanism that prevents burning, ensuring consistently great popcorn with fewer unpopped kernels. Whether it's family game night, a birthday party, or a cozy movie night at home, this popcorn maker is perfect for creating that authentic movie theater experience.
Great Northern Popcorn MachineAmazon
This stovetop popcorn popper is made of metal and wood and has a diameter of 9.5" and a height of 6.5". It can make approximately 5 quarts of popcorn. After you're done popping, cleaning up is a breeze. Simply wipe the pot with a paper towel and store it for later use. With its affordable price of $7.69, this Great Northern Popcorn Machine offers quality and dependability for popcorn lovers.
See it for $7.69Product Updated:
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