Save $52 on a versatile coffee maker that brews multiple cup sizes and delivers bold flavors
Start your day right with a cup of freshly brewed coffee. With the Keurig K-Elite Single-Serve Coffee Maker, you can enjoy the perfect cup every morning. This coffee maker comes with a reusable water filter and adjustable brew temperature, allowing you to customize your coffee exactly to your liking. It offers multiple cup sizes ranging from 4 to 12 ounces, ensuring you can have the perfect amount of coffee every time.
Keurig K-Elite Single-Serve Coffee MakerAmazon
This coffee maker is designed for convenience, with features like a hot water on demand button and an iced setting for refreshing iced coffee. It has a large 75oz water reservoir, allowing you to brew 8 cups before needing to refill. The removable drip tray accommodates travel mugs up to 7.2 inches tall. Plus, the brewer maintenance reminder ensures that your coffee maker stays in top condition for the best-tasting brew possible. Don't miss out on this deal, saving you $52 and bringing the price down to just $77.
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