Save $58 on a lifelike pre-lit artificial tree that adds charm to any Christmas setting.
Christmas is a time when the right decorations can truly transform your home into a winter wonderland. And what better way to enhance the festive spirit than with a lifelike Montclair Spruce artificial tree? With 140 individually crafted branch tips, this tree looks just like the real thing. Setting it up is a breeze, thanks to the convenient urn base and pre-strung white lights. Plus, the sturdy base and 50 UL white lights ensure lasting durability.
Montclair Spruce Pre-Lit Artificial TreeAmazon
This Montclair Spruce tree normally sells for $105, but right now you can save a whopping 55% off and get it for just $47. Don't miss out on this incredible deal to upgrade your Christmas decor.
See it for $47Product Updated:
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