Wake Up Refreshed with a Sunrise Alarm Clock for Heavy Sleepers, Now 28% Off

Save $14 on a sunrise alarm clock with dual alarms, natural sounds, FM radio, and 7 color night light.


Are you tired of waking up groggy and feeling like you've been jolted out of sleep? With this Sunrise Alarm Clock, you can wake up naturally and refreshed. The sunrise simulation gradually brightens from 10% to 100% brightness over 30 minutes, mimicking the soft light of the sun. And with 7 natural sounds to choose from, you can find the perfect one to gently wake you up.

Sunrise Alarm Clock for Heavy SleepersAmazon

This alarm clock also features dual alarms, so you can set different wake-up times for yourself and your family. Plus, the snooze function gives you an extra 9 minutes of sleep when you need it. The 7 color light options and adjustable brightness make it a versatile bedside lamp as well.

Get it now for $14

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